Granola Bowl. Yogurt bowl. Breakfast Bowl.

I’ll let you decide what you want to call this thing when you make it and taste how delicious it is.

If you know me well, you know that this is my most common go to breakfast dish.  What I love the most about this bowl is how easy it is to throw together, it keeps me full all morning long, and it has a variety of good stuff to start off the day.

First, let’s talk yogurt.  I don’t do cows milk so I have found Kite Hill’s brand of almond milk yogurt to taste the best.  I start with just half of the small container.

Next add on whatever kind of fruit you’d like.  My favorites are blueberries and strawberries!

Top it off with my homemade granola, hemp seeds, cacoa nibs, and whatever kind of nut butter you have on hand.

That is it.  Simple right?

If you are like my husband you’ll double everything in this recipe below.