Ice cream, cakes, brownies,  BBQ’s, milkshakes, beer, and tons of wine.  What do all of those have in common?  It is usually the sign of a fun summer.  While they are enjoyed at the moment, a couple months of loading up on these sugary and high fat treats can make us start to feel sluggish right about now.

Are you nodding your head in agreement?

As we head into fall, (almost- I can dream right??)  we might start to think about cleansing the body of all those summer treats we indulged in.  Yes, we have amazing organs that detoxify for us but sometimes we can give them a little help.

Here are six foods to add into your diet every day that are helpful at cleansing the body of the toxic overload:

1.  Lemons.  Think about adding into your water every morning, squeeze some on top of your salad,  or any of your meals for that matter.

2.  Beets.  Add into your salads or as a side dish.  If you have a hard time eating them, you can buy beetroot powder and add that into your smoothie.  It is a pretty close substitute!

3.  Pineapple.  Eat alone or add into your smoothies.  Aim for the fresh kind- not canned.

4.  Avocado.  Just half of an avocado would do.  I love adding avocados into my smoothies, loading up on gucamole or avocado toast.

5.  Asparagus.  Roast the asparagus for about 15-20 minutes, squeeze some lemon on it, and top with garlic and enjoy!

6.  Dandelion Greens.  These ones are extremely bitter BUT so very good for us.  These greens are good in a stir fry, soups, or try this: Take a few of the green leaves and boil in one cup of water for about 10 minutes.  Let cool a bit and squeeze some lemon in.  Drink up and enjoy!

Last but not least:  drink your water.  This is going to be the best thing to get all the nasty processed food, toxic ingredients, and junk out of our body.  Aim for at least 8 cups a day but more if you sweat a lot.

Do you have a favorite way to eat any of these foods?