One thing I have started to use much more in my cooking and daily life is Turmeric.  The health benefits are simply too great not to in my opinion as well as Dr. Greger’s which he re-enforces in his book How Not to Die – Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease., one of my must reads.

A little info about Turmeric.

It is a root and part of the ginger family extensively cultivated in India, China, Indonesia, and other tropical countries.  It is usually ground into a powder with a peppery, warm, and bitter flavor.  Thanks to curcumin, this root packs an anti-inflammatory punch.  Curcumin is what gives turmeric it’s yellow pigment and it’s anti-inflammatory effects have been comparable to many over-the-counter agents, except this is sourced by nature without the toxic effects which I will take over OTC any day.  Here is my favorite part though, according to the Encyclopedia of Healing Foods (amazing book and another must have), while more studies are needed the preliminary evidence of curcumin’s ability to fight tumors arising from prostate, breast, skin, colon, stomach, and liver cancers is quite encouraging.  Enough said for me, I am using it.  And here is how.

Ways to get more Turmeric into your life.

  1. Always keep it stocked in your pantry or spice rack.  Don’t let it run out.
  2. Use it to make your own curry powders which is really easy to make with tons of simple recipes a few clicks away.  I always add a bit more turmeric than the recipe calls for.
  3. Throw it into your smoothie or juices.
  4. Season your roasted vegetables with it.  I do this all the time.  Toss some fresh vegetables (like diced sweet potatoes, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts) with a dash of olive oil and turmeric, along with any other seasonings you like. Roast at 400 degrees, tossing once until done, usually about 20-30 minutes.
  5. You can easily add it to your egg salad for some richer flavor and color.
  6. It is a great spice to complement recipes with legumes.
  7. Dash it all over your avocado, one of my favorites to add it to is avocado toast.
  8. Drink in tea.  My husband loves the Rishi Ginger and Turmeric Chai from Sprouts.
  9. If you simply look at a dish and it appears boring, sprinkle with turmeric.
  10. If you absolutely cannot stand the taste for whatever reason then try Turmeric in supplement form.  You can easily get it from online sources and even subscribe to it so it is automatically delivered to you on a timeline of your choosing.

Turmeric is just one of the things that stumbled its way into my life and I am so happy it did.  Try your very best to get at least 1/4 teaspoon of it every day so you can realize the health benefits it gives you.