Start to finish, this dish takes about 30 minutes, is incredibly easy to make, and cooks in one pot.  Those are my kind of dishes.  Do you agree?!  If so, I suggest giving this a try.

I always thought I HATED curry. Truth is, I had never tried it and it sounded gross to me.  I feel so bad for making that judgment on the dish.  Curry dishes have become one of my favorites so if you feel like you too hate curry; just keep experimenting with flavors until you find what works for you.

BUT I do think you should start with this one of course.

OK, let’s move on to the recipe.

What is in it that is good for you?
– Loaded with veggies that are cooked in the sauce to guarantee you get all their nutrients.
– Turmeric is added in to the dish you help boost the nutrition and help with inflammation.
– Curry spice helps control blood sugar, manage cholesterol levels, and helps remove toxins.
– Garam Masala is the ultimate spice blend for digestive health, reduces inflammation, and protects the nervous system.
– Lime juice will help with eye health, heartburn, gum health, and has more Vitamin C than a lemon so be sure to NOT skip that last step.

This curry dish is best served over rice but you could also serve it over quinoa if you wanted to.  Top it with loads of cilantro if you are like me or non at all if you are like my hubby.  Either way, it is delicious!
