If you have been following me for some time, you know I am a huge advocate for eating the right type of food for how you want to feel, what works for your body, and ultimately, what your body can digest because what I eat may be completely different from the way you eat and what your body can handle. 

The answer might be in food sensitivity.

So what’s the difference between a food sensitivity and a food allergy? 

A food sensitivity does not always occur right away, which can make it harder when you’re trying to figure out what your body may or may not digest well. A food allergy usually happens right away and it can be life-threatening, whereas the food sensitivity does not harm your life, but your body can suffer over time. 

Symptoms of a food sensitivity can cause really bad bloating, gassiness, achy joints, skin rashes, eczema, acne, and sometimes you just really have poor sleep patterns.

Have I caught your attention? If this is something that speaks to you and you are thinking ‘okay, maybe this is something that I am interested in learning more about’, then keep reading.

Where to start?

  • Start with a food journal.

You could do five days or 10 days, whatever you want, BUT start writing down what you eat – every single day. I know it sounds kind of annoying to do, but trust me in this process you guys, it’s gonna be so helpful.

Let’s say you just ate a sandwich and you think, “Oh my gosh, I feel bloated”, and then that night, you’re like, “Gosh, I can’t sleep”, those might be triggers to a gluten sensitivity.

I suggest keeping it in a journal so that you can look back on it and see the common occurances when eating certain items. This is the first start.

We take an easy 28 days to educate and empower yourself with different food practices and to find foods that work with you and your family’s lifestyle. We also explore why I don’t believe in counting calories, why we need to pay attention to certain ingredients and learn all about food – what’s working for you and what may not be working for you. 

At the end of the 28 days, we start to add food back in, using the food journal again, and we see how our body reacts after not having a certain food. You’ll be amazed at what your body tells you. Your body is always speaking to you, it’s just a matter of whether or not you’re listening to it, that’s the key. 

After finishing Living Refreshed you’ll have a really great starting point to learning how to eat for YOU.

28-day meal plan with several options to fit your and your family’s way of eating.

I wrote a blog post about my at-home food sensitivities test which was extremely helpful and eye-opening for me. To learn about my experience and the test, you can read more here. I highly suggest it!

Have you been wondering what the most common food sensitivities are?



Brewers Yeast



Do you think you might be struggling with any food sensitivities?

If there are any questions, please ask. This is something I am very passionate about. I’m so grateful to have found out what my personal food sensitivities were (gluten, dairy, and almonds were my top sensitivities) and I was wreaking havoc on my body until I figured it out. I don’t count calories, I eat what I want within the parameters of what works for me, so if I want a donut or a brownie, I just have it without the dairy and gluten.

I hope you find what helps you, because you guys, it is so freeing, and it is a wonderful feeling to not feel restricted by the foods you eat.

always rooting for you, living on roots
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