With our busy lifestyles, staying healthy seems to be more challenging than ever. However, prioritizing your health doesn’t mean you have to upend your entire life. Here are six simple things you can start doing today to pave your way to a healthier life – in a fun way!

Drink More Water

One habit that can significantly impact your health is drinking more water. Water is fundamental for all bodily functions, including digestion and elimination. It helps maintain your body’s fluid balance, aids digestion, transports nutrients, and keeps your skin looking good. So, whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, make it a point to carry a bottle of water and hydrate yourself regularly.

Make it fun: Add some fruit and or herbs to your water bottle. Try adding some strawberries and basil for a refreshing twist!

Move Your Body in a Way That Feels Good to You

crop sportswoman with fitness mat

Physical activity is crucial for overall health. You don’t have to run a marathon or hit the gym for hours a simple 15-minute workout can be efficient. Find an activity you enjoy and make it part of your routine. It could be dancing, swimming, cycling, yoga, or even a brisk walk. The key is to stay consistent. Remember, it’s not about the intensity of your workout but about creating a habit of regular physical activity.

Make it fun: Try something brand new! Many places offer free or discounted weeks or first classes. Go check out something new that has maybe piqued your interest in the past and give it a go!

Eat More Real Food and Less Processed Food

Another essential step towards a healthier lifestyle is to eat real food. Processed foods often contain high levels of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, which can lead to various health issues. On the other hand, real foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and legumes are packed with essential nutrients that your body needs. Try to incorporate more of these into your diet and minimize your intake of processed foods. Need some guidance on getting started here? This is how I started.

Make it fun: What is your favorite meal to eat out? Think of that and search how to make it on Pinterest. The internet is full of amazing recipes and you can usually find out how to make the things you love at home. Bonus, make it a date night and cook with your spouse, friend, family member, or even your kids!

Plan Your Meals for The Week

Meal planning is a practical and effective way to ensure you’re eating healthily. It not only saves time and money but also can help you resist the temptation of unhealthy snacks or takeaways. Spend some time each week planning your meals and grocery shopping. This way, you’ll always have healthy ingredients at hand, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.

Make it fun: put on some music, or your favorite TV show or movie while planning out your meals. I love talking about meal planning SO much that I even wrote a little e-book about it (yes, totally free for you!) check it out for guidance.

Eat Slowly and Enjoy the Things You Are Eating

Eating slowly is a simple yet powerful habit that can make a significant difference in your health. It helps with better digestion, hydration, easier weight loss or maintenance, and greater satisfaction with our meals. Besides, when you take the time to savor and enjoy your food, you’re more likely to notice when you’re full, which can prevent overeating.

Make it fun: Try not to sit in front of the TV and rather sit with company when possible. Put down the fork between bites. Think about the food and make it a game – sort of. Describe your food. Is it crunchy, salty, sweet? It is gross and you’ll never eat it again. Don’t rush through the meal, enjoy it, with or without company.

person slicing food on a plate

Consider Hiring a Coach

Finally, consider hiring a health coach or nutritionist, like me. I can provide personalized advice and motivation – someone always in your corner, helping you navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to determine what changes are necessary for you – because we are all different and not one size fits all when it comes to your meals. I will guide you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, ensuring you establish sustainable habits that will benefit you in the long run.

Make it fun: I don’t know about you but torturing yourself when at a party and watching everyone else eat all the things you want to eat sounds awful. Make it fun for yourself and allow yourself the healthy balance of all things. Make it fun by asking for guidance from someone who wants you to enjoy your life – all aspects of it!

AND most importantly

Small, consistent changes can have a significant impact over time. Stick around here or follow me on Instagram for more tips, ideas, and all the things for your healthy habits.

always rooting for you, living on roots
6 things you can do for your health right now Pinterest pin