Grab a glass of water, find something cozy to sit on and let’s have a chat about something very important, shall we?!

Many of us live in a constant state of looking for perfect health. We are tired and achy. We have brain fog and blotchy skin. We shell out big cash for supplements and shakes and gyms. All to little benefit. Don’t get me wrong… some of those are really helpful things, but some just might be a waste of money. However, can one simple drink that we have been ignoring, help?

We all know we need to drink more water. That is always the first thing I hear when talking to people. But let’s get real, drinking the right amount of water can be challenging.

I believe with the right tools and focus you can make it a habit that sticks and your body will praise you with so much love. Maybe we can say so long to the brain fog and blotchy skin?!

How to make it a habit?

Before I share why our bodies need water, it is important to start making it a habit.

Three years ago, I set up the first-ever ‘Drink more water challenge’ and was excited to help 36 individuals learn about drinking water and how to help make it part of their daily habit. After that, I have run this challenge twice a year helping more and more learn all about the ins and outs of why we drink water, how to make it a habit, and even sharing the best times to drink water.

  • Did you know that it is important to not drink water right after eating a meal?
  • Did you know that drinking room temp water vs. ice-cold water will have different effects on your body?

I loved sharing this info with anyone who wanted to listen and soak up whatever I had to share. I had so much interest that I decided to make it a FREE course that anyone could access at any point.

If you want to learn more about when to drink water during the day and why, signs of dehydration, the best app to use, and so much more, be sure to check out the course here.

5-day drink more water challenge to help you learn new healthy habits info post

Ok, Onto The Details: Why Your Body Desires Water?

  1. Better Digestion. Water is needed in the stomach to help create digestive secretions. This will also help prevent constipation.
  2. Improved skin. Water promotes a healthy glow!
  3. Better mood. Mild levels of dehydration can affect your mental processing and mood, so drinking enough water is also good for your brain function.
  4. Lubricate joints. Our body is 65-70% water. If we limit our water consumption, everything will start to slow down.
  5. Helps cleanse the body. The kidneys use water to produce urine, which helps the body rid itself of toxic substances. Staying hydrated helps the kidneys work more efficiently.
  6. Better focus. Water supports a healthy brain. Chronic dehydration can lead to problems with thinking. memory and reasoning.
  7. Increase your energy. Water helps keep our metabolism functioning properly. Once dehydrated, you will feel a huge drop in energy levels.
  8. Immune boosting. Water helps carry oxygen to the red blood cells in our bodies.
  9. Helps relieve fatigue. Add in a fresh lemon and skip the caffeine. You will be amazed at how energized you’ll feel.
  10. Promotes weight loss. Not only does drinking water help replace drinking sugary drinks but it can help you stay full longer. Also, sometimes when we think we are hungry, we just might be thirsty!
10 reasons why your body desires more water infographic

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

I know it can be tricky but I promise the results will be so worth the effort. AND I know once you start making it a daily habit, it will become second nature.

You’ve got this!

always rooting for you, living on roots