Are you looking for ways to satisfy your sweet tooth while still sticking to your health goals? You’re not alone! As a mom myself, I understand the struggle of wanting to eat healthier without sacrificing the joy of dessert time. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cookie or brownie from time to time but sometimes I want just a little something lighter.

If you are like me, you will love this collection of 13 delicious, heart-healthy dessert recipes that have no added sugar and are easy to make. These treats are not only good for your heart AND soul but will also please the whole family. The collection is heart focused since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner BUT the good news is that these can be made any time of the year!

Should we be consuming less sugar?

Sugar is everywhere and while I am team everything in moderation, I am also someone who pays attention to reducing my sugar consumption. Consuming less sugar offers numerous benefits for both our physical and mental well-being. Here are just a few reasons why you might want to cut back on your sugar intake:

  • Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Excessive sugar consumption is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Minimizing sugar intake can help lower these risks and promote overall health.
  • Stable Energy Levels: While sugary snacks may provide a quick energy boost, they often lead to energy crashes and fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Choosing foods lower in sugar can help maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
  • Balanced Hormones: Excessive sugar consumption can disrupt hormone balance in the body, leading to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. Choosing foods lower in sugar can help support hormone health.
  • Improved Heart Health: Diets high in added sugars have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. By reducing sugar intake, we can help protect our heart health and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems.
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13 Heart Healthy Desserts You Have to Make

I put all the recipes together in a downloadable PDF for you for free – well, it will cost you your email address – but there is no payment for this collection. It is my gift to you from one mom to another because I know you have goals but you are also cautious of not overloading your body with sugar. I’ve got your back!

Here is what you will find in this e-book of sugar free heart healthy desserts:

  • 13 individual recipes
  • A mix of chocolate and fruit
  • Some baked, some not
  • Everything is plant based focused
  • In the notes section, I give you ideas to change up the recipe or how to store any leftovers
  • Serving sizes, time to make the recipe, and and detailed instructions

Still unsure if you want to download this dessert collection?

The recipes in here include some ice cream, chocolate mousse, and even no bake cheesecake bites, and more – and yes all plant based! Oftentimes people start eating healthier and they think they can no longer include desserts. SO. NOT. TRUE. I already mentioned that I believe everything is a-ok in moderation, but I feel that being healthy includes eating desserts. These low sugar desserts are the perfect addition to any way of eating. Be sure to download the ebook collection now and save it to your desktop or phone. From there you can see each of the 13 heart healthy recipes! Enjoy!

always rooting for you, living on roots