Embarking on a plant-based journey often comes with a ton of preconceived notions and a fair share of ‘why on earth are you not wanting to eat meat?!’ type of questions. It’s been eight years since I decided to incorporate more plant-based meals into my life, and the journey has been better than I expected. Here are seven invaluable lessons I’ve learned along the way.

P.S. When I say I eat more plant-based, I want to be clear on how exactly I eat so readers understand what ‘mostly plant-based’ means to me. The only animal products I eat on occasion are eggs (we have backyard chickens after all), fish on very rare occasions, and goat cheese from time to time. My typical day of eating is mostly focused on eating minimally processed plant-based foods.

7 things I have learned from eating mostly plant based in the past 8 years pin for Pinterest

7 Things I have Learned From Eating Mostly Plant Based for the Past Eight years

1. I don’t feel restricted to eating only veggies

One of the most surprising things was discovering that a plant-based diet wasn’t as restricted as I thought it might be. Initially, I feared my diet would be limited to salads and boring meals. However, I quickly learned that the recipes out there are delicious. From protein-packed curry dishes and tofu stir-fries to brownies and cakes, the options are endless. This journey has expanded my palate and culinary skills, proving that plant-based eating is anything but boring.

2. I found myself liking things I thought I hated

I used to be very picky, even turning my nose to foods like Brussels sprouts (which I now love and you must try this recipe!!) and quinoa without giving them a fair chance. Transitioning to a mostly plant-based way of eating encouraged me to experiment with new ingredients and cooking methods. Surprisingly, I found joy in the foods I once ‘hated’. Roasting, sautéing, or blending them into delicious dishes transformed these ingredients into some of my favorites.

3. Finding food to eat on vacation is not hard to do

A common concern about plant-based eating is the difficulty of finding suitable food while traveling which is why I have written about it a couple of times. I know I am not alone in that thought. My experience, however, has been quite the opposite. With a bit of research and flexibility, I’ve enjoyed plant-based meals around the globe. Plus, seeking out plant-based options has often led me to more authentic and memorable dining experiences.

4. I don’t think my meals are boring – they are more flavorful

My meals are now packed with flavors, textures, and colors I never knew I was missing. Spices, herbs, and fresh ingredients have become some of my go-to’s when cooking. I have learned to not hold back when a recipe calls for something new – I go for it and usually, the new-to-me thing is delicious!

5. Cleaning up after cooking is easier

An unexpected but welcome benefit of plant-based cooking is the ease of cleanup. Without oily residues from meats or the need for heavy scrubbing (think dishes like mac n’ cheese), dishes are simpler to wash. Cooking with mostly vegetables, grains, and legumes means less mess and lighter, easier-to-clean cookware. This perk has made the cooking process more enjoyable and less of a chore.

6. I don’t have a heavy feeling in my stomach after eating

The heavy, lethargic feeling after a meal is something I don’t miss. Plant-based meals are naturally lighter, making me feel more energized and less weighed down after eating. This change has had a profound impact on my daily life, improving my digestion and overall well-being. It’s a gentle reminder that food is fuel, and the right fuel can make all the difference.

7. Some people still don’t understand my why after all these years – and that is ok

Despite the growing popularity of plant-based diets, there are still a lot of ‘concerns’ from some that I may not be getting enough nutrients. Friends, family, and strangers alike still question my choice, often wondering if I’m getting enough protein or if I miss eating meat ( nope, I don’t miss it). My journey has taught me patience and the importance of leading by example. Sharing delicious meals and discussing the benefits I’ve experienced, which is why I am here.

Is There Anything I Would Tell Myself Eight Years Ago?

I’d probably tell myself to not be nervous 🙂

The past eight years of eating mostly plant-based meals have been a journey of personal growth. This lifestyle shift has taught me more about food and health and I am still learning. More importantly, it has shown me that change, even in something as personal and ingrained as our diets, is not only possible but can be deeply rewarding.

Whether you’re considering a plant-based diet or simply looking to incorporate more vegetables into your meals, there’s a world of taste and benefits waiting to be explored.

Want to try more plant-based meals? Check out this free 7-day plant-based meal plan that provides you with all your meals planned out and a shopping list to help you stay on track. So easy!

7 day plant based meal plan freebie opt in

If you want to add more plants to your life, stick around here at Living On Roots and I’ll show you how easy and tasty it can be!

always rooting for you, living on roots