Here is the best-kept secret your Doctor might not tell you:

Your body can heal itself given the right conditions! Did you know that? Probably, but what exactly do I mean?

Here is an example:

Makenna, my youngest daughter, fell at school a few weeks ago and scraped her knee. Once home, we cleaned it up and let the body do its thing. Heal it!

After a few days, her scab was looking great and almost completely healed. 

Now, let’s say she kept falling every single day, for fun, we can say she kept falling at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that knee kept getting scraped over and over and over. There is no way her body is going to heal that scratch.

That makes total sense right?!

Here is another example

I’ll use my name for a giggle… Let’s say Leah goes to the doctor complaining of sharp pains in her chest. The doctor writes a prescription for something to help with the symptoms. But at breakfast, Leah goes to the drive-through for a quick meal, lunch is not much but a small granola bar, maybe some chips she found in her purse. Finally, we get home for dinner and decide on a frozen pizza because that is the easiest thing to do.

The problem: Leah does this every single day; at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Now, what if Leah decided to let her body heal itself and put it in the right conditions. At breakfast, she got up 10 minutes earlier to make a shake.  In that shake, she adds in some fruit and veggies along with oatmeal, seeds, and anti-inflammatory foods or herbs.  She drinks it on the way to the gym or work to save a bit of time. Lunch may look like a salad full of dark leafy greens, topped with loads of good stuff that she made the night before or leftovers. Dinner was planned ahead of time so she was able to quickly pull it together.  Dinner was real food.  Not processed, sugar loaded, highly processed imitation food.

She did this every day for the next 30 days. That prescription her doctor gave her is no longer needed. She let her body heal itself. She gave it the right condition to do so.

Does that make sense?

Your body wants to be healthy. Makenna’s knee wanted to heal. Leah’s heart just needed some TLC. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, we do need Doctors and I do advise you to go to the doctor to get anything looked at that you are concerned with.  BUT is a prescription always the right answer?  No, absolutely not. 

If you are ready to start healing your body, take the first step and DO SOMETHING. Start small, it doesn’t have to be big- but if you are looking for guidance, I have been there. I will help you.  This was an incredible book for me and helped me learn so much about how food can hurt you but more importantly, how it can absolutely heal.  

I am here for you, just let me know what you need and we can go from there.

help your body heal, eat real food, food vs medicine, active living, healthy living.