Overeating. We all do it. SO please know that this is normal and totally ok. BUT I also know that the constant feeling of overeating is not an enjoyable feeling. That lead to this topic.

Below I will share 6 easy ways that you can avoid overeating. I say easy because they are things you can start doing/recognizing the next time you sit down to eat. You do sit down to eat, right?! Please say yes!

What are the signs of overeating?

Some of these might be surprising while some of them might be obvious but they are good to take note of. Once you are able to start recognizing the cues, you will start to feel better and eventually eat less.

Here are 6 cues that your body will do when you have overate:

  • You feel the need to lay down
  • You feel satisfied but continue eating
  • Clothes feel tight all of a sudden
  • The food is no longer satisfying after several bites
  • You feel the need to burp
  • You feel hot at the end of your meal

Interesting right?

An example that I just experienced last week while I was eating some french fries is a perfect example. They were delicious and I was highly enjoying them at the moment but halfway through I realized they were starting to taste just kind of ‘blah’. All of a sudden I was no longer satisfied so I stopped and covered the food with my napkin. I could have easily kept going but I knew I would feel very sluggish if I continued and I didn’t want that feeling lingering around me the rest of the afternoon.

Why do we overeat?

Besides the fact that food is delicious and usually enjoyable, it can also be a coping mechanism. When we are stressed, angry, or frustrated for a few examples, food is always there to comfort us. It can be a challenge to recognize our bodily cues during these emotional times.

Another reason is that we simply think the food will no longer be available therefore we need to eat it all right then and there. In my example of the french fries, I could easily have thought I will never be able to have these delicious fries again I need to eat them all. In reality, I will have delicious fries again as I know they are easy to grab almost anywhere. ONE place does not make the best fries. Actually, I have had some really good fries at several places.

The last reason and perhaps the most important is the visual aspect. When we have bigger plates, we see empty spaces on our plates and feel like they need to be filled with food.

Image with quote abut recognizing your body cues.

Here is what I have realized over time in regards to overeating

Feeling the fullness may seem like a challenging thing to learn about at first but in time you will get it. When I am working with my clients one on one, this is something we go into detail on so please reach out to me if you would like some guidance. I promise you can get it – just take things slowly.

When you start to recognize the signs of overeating you are in tune with your body and you will start to gain the confidence to know what and how much to eat based on YOUR own specific needs.

Here are the 6 easy ways to avoid overeating:

  1. Eat breakfast. Choose something with protein, fat, and carbs. By incorporating these three main components it will help squash the appetite keeping you full until lunch. Also, keep the food you choose Real/Whole Foods and fewer processed foods.
  2. Learn to recognize your body cues. When you are bored or stressed is there another activity that can be done. Drink a glass of water, read for a bit, or stretch. If in 30 minutes you are still feeling hungry, then eat something like a handful of nuts, raw veggies, or an apple.
  3. Drink water throughout the day. I love drinking water and all the benefits it provides so of course, I cannot talk about this one. Drinking water will help with sugar cravings as well.
  4. As I mentioned in tip number one, eat more Whole Foods and less processed foods. Think about nutrient-dense foods, not snacks with empty calories. The whole food leaves you feeling satisfied for longer periods of time.
  5. Eat slowly and mindfully. Did you know that the ideal times you should be chewing your food is 20 times?! Chewing your food properly and well sends signals to the brain that you are eating. It will take time for your body to recognize that it is full, let it do its thing.
  6. Eat on smaller plates. This goes back to the visual part I mentioned.

Do you already do some of these? If so, you are off to a great start.

You can and will be able to master the 6 tips. Just remember, in anything you do, take it one small step at a time. You’ve got this!

always rooting for you, living on roots
6 easy ways to avoid overeating.  Image description for Pinterest.

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