The New Year is here. Basically anyway.  As I write this post, there is just one day left in 2018.  

Is anyone else wondering where the year went?  I certainly am.

My biggest highlight (and challenge) of the year was definitely starting up Living on Roots. Putting yourself out into the world, sharing your thoughts, ideas, and things you believe in is not always as fun as it may sound.  Although this adventure has had it’s far share of criticism, rejection, and self-doubt, it has also been immensely rewarding when I hear from people/followers/clients how much Living on Roots has changed their life for the better. That fact alone makes me excited and anxious for what Living on Roots will do in 2019.  

It is crazy to think that in 2017 I started a 30-day ‘healthy eating challenge’ with what I thought was going to just be 30 days.  I remember thinking to myself, ‘Oh this is just a 45 day thing’, ‘this is just a 2 month thing’ and so on.  The days just kept going on and on and I just kept feeling better and better.  Turn to 2018 and this year has been full-blown plant-based eating and it feels incredible. 

So……I thought it would be best to share what some of my favorite things from 2018 have been.  Things that helped me grow this year, books that taught me all about plant-based living and it’s importance, blogs I visit all the time, restaurants I have fallen in love with, foods I have grown to love, and of course my most popular recipes.  I share these with the hope it will help you grow in your healthy lifestyle this next year and beyond.

1.  How Not To Die.  The game changer book for me.  I listened to this on Audible and I also have read it- highlighting multiple things and bookmarking several pages.  It is a great resource that is backed by scientific research and explains the basics of nutrition very well.  I had so many duh moments reading this book I lost count.  

2.  The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods.  I pull a lot of info from this book and I love learning about the history of fruits and veggies.  So handy to have available in the house.  It literally has everything about everything when it comes to food. 

3.  Body Into Balance.  This book is a wonderful introduction into how herbs can prevent and heal. I never thought I would venture so far into the herbal world but this book took me there and now my pantry is full of herbs I never knew existed.  It is very fascinating and I have been enjoying making my own herbal tea mixtures.

1.  Living On Roots.  Shameless plug of course, I am the writer after all.  If you like what you read, subscribe so you don’t miss a beet  (get it!?)  Not only is there tasty food, but I also do my best to share what I know about the ingredients that way you know what they are doing for your body. 

2.  Pick Up Limes.  Sadia is amazing.  Her food is delicious, her videos are super helpful and her blog is incredible. 

3.  Nutrition Stripped.  So much good information and food here. 

1.  Café Gratitude.  Ok Ok, I found this place back in 2017 but it is still a HUGE fav of mine.  Now, they are only in Southern California but every single dish I get is delicious.  If you are local, you must check them out.

2.  True Foods Kitchen. They are all across the United States so depending on where you are, you might get lucky.  Everything served here is fresh and they change their menu according to what is in season.

3.   Juice Wave  Another San Diego stop.  Sorry but this place is my absolute favorite place for acai bowls and juices.   The owner is so friendly and makes everything herself including homemade granola for the bowls. Everything that is in the shop is locally sourced!

1.  Nutzo mixed seed and nut butter.  They have a variety of flavors and no added sugar in the mix. I like to add this into my granola bowls or dip with apples.

2.  Pukka Three Mint Tea.  I came across this brand this year and have loved everything I have tried but this three mint is my favorite.

3.  Crunchy Chickpeas.  I recently discovered these and it is a huge timesaver in the kitchen.  I still enjoy roasting my own chickpeas BUT having these on hand is so helpful.  I like to add them onto my salads, avocado toast, or Buddha Bowls.  

1. Caramelized Onion & Kale Vegan Pizza.  I really didn’t give this one much thought.  Just using up what I had left in the house.  But oh my it was so good I decided to make it again for the blog. And apparently those on Pinterest agreed since it was the most pinned recipe of the year.  

2.  Cashew Cream.  After much trial and error I finally got this one right.  I knew I was going to need a cheese substitute since I was a cheese fanatic and now I use this on so much.  I have loved the feedback I got from everyone about how much they have enjoyed this.  

3.  DIY Granola.  Want to have enough homemade granola on hand for the week?  Then make this. Plus your kitchen will smell amazing. 

Here’s to a healthy and fulfilling New Year!