OK, I am not sure if it is the new thing to do but I BELIEVE it should be. Have you ever felt overwhelmed just at the sheer IDEA of meal prep days? Or maybe the fact of preparing 20 meals in one day just seems impossible. Yeah, I am exaggerating here but I know there are some disciplined people out there that can do it. I am not one of them and you don’t have to be either.   

BUT what on earth do I mean when I say food prepping vs. meal prepping? This article shares what food prepping is, why we should do it, and exactly how to do it. 


Meal Prepping:  Taking one day a week and cutting all your food, cooking large batches of rice or quinoa, preparing your protein of choice, and then preparing individual meals for the work week lunches and or dinners. Is it a fabulous system? YES! Absolutely!  Is it overwhelming when you are just starting out to planning out your meals?  YES!

Food Prepping:  Taking aside an afternoon to cut your fruit and veggies for the week.  Cooking rice so that is ready to warm up.  Making cashew cream so that it is one less step to make for dinner during the busy week.  Do you get where I am going with it?  This process is saving you time during the week but allowing you to have freshly cooked meals with minimal prep.


When it comes to healthy eating, preparation is the main key to success.   If carrots are not chopped and prepared or easy to grab, the chances of us grabbing those vs. a piece of candy are not so great. 

I am a Mom so I am going to use this example below but I am sure anyone can relate to this idea.

My youngest has a science club twice a week and it requires us to leave the house about 20 minutes earlier than normal days.  To help ease the pain of frustration in the mornings, we plan ahead.

Clothes picked out
Lunches prepared
Water bottles ready to go
Backpacks are ready to go

By planning ahead we have a smooth morning with no yelling and arguing, we are on time and everyone is happy.

It is the same thing when it comes to prepping your food.

If you open up the fridge and find all your ingredients ready to go, you are more likely to eat a healthier balanced meal. Less frustration and a plan.


So glad you asked.  

1.  Wash and cut your veggies as soon as you get home from the store.

To keep them from drying out, wet a paper towel and put it in the container with the produce.

AND this is where I hear people say, “But Leah, you loose nutritional value when you precut veggies”. Yes!  You do!  BUT if pre cutting your produce ahead of time means you will eat more, then PRE CUT YOUR PRODUCE.   I prefer this to a handful of potato chips.  OK, moving on…

2.  Have some roasted veggies on hand for the week.

During Sunday night dinners, I cut extra veggies and get them ready to roast.  As soon as we are ready to eat, in goes the tray of veggies into the oven.   They cook while we eat.  As soon as dinner is over, they are just about done.  That means for lunches that week ahead, I can add roasted veggies to my salads or rice/quinoa bowls very easily.  Which brings me to #3.

3.  Cook one large batch of rice or quinoa, or both if you prefer.

Both warm up very easily and having these prepared is a huge time saver.  You can do just about anything with them.  Here is one example.

4.  Have a simple plan.

Plan out your meals ahead with a menu tracker and know what veggies you will want cut ahead of time.  No sense in prepping your Brussels sprouts if you are not eating them until next week.

5.  Get pretty containers to store stuff in.  

I don’t know about you, but if my fridge looks really well organized and ‘presentable’, I am going to find stuff easier and actually USE IT.  

Would you add anything to this list?

Remember to keep things simple with a small manageable plan.

If you are on Pinterest, feel free to pin this image:

meal prep, food prep, 5 easy ways to meal prep, get healthier meals, 5 easy tips to eat more veggies