Being a Mom has its ups and downs but one thing I am grateful for and wish I did sooner, was think of myself first more often. When the kids were younger, I always put the kids first no matter what I was doing. What will the kids eat for dinner? What can I do to take care of the kids today? What kind of activity can I put them in to keep them moving? BUT where on earth did that leave me? Not in my healthiest condition. I always came last. Why do we do that as Moms?!

Now, fast forward several years, and things are different because yes, they are older and I admit things are easier. BUT how might have things been different if I asked this question every day when my kids were younger; “What can I do for myself today so that everyone is taken care of?” What if I actually included myself as part of the equation?

The good news – no matter where you are in the whole parenting stage… it is not too late to focus on YOU!

These 5 things below are what I do every day and that you could do to help take care of yourself AND in return will help take care of everyone in your family.


Breakfast is key for me! It improves my performance, helps me not go on a crazy snack binge later in the day, helps improve my mood, and gives me the metabolism boost I (WE all) need.

My go-to breakfast meals include smoothies, avocado toast, oatmeal, and yogurt bowls.


Not a gallon. I repeat – I do not aim for a gallon of water each day like some other ‘influencers’ may tell you that you HAVE to do. Maybe you do need a gallon, but here is the thing, how much water you NEED to drink will vary from everyone else. Find out how much you need by dividing your weight (in lbs) in half. That number is how many ounces you will need. Then depending on how active you are you may need a little bit more.

If you struggle with drinking enough water I highly suggest taking my free 5 day drink more water course.


Let me start by saying I will be the first one to raise my hand if someone is looking for a partner to go out to eat with. I love going out to eat – any meal – BUT I also enjoy being able to prepare and cook my own meals. They are healthier, save me money, and I get to control my portion sizes much easier. Hooray!

Find meals that you enjoy making, that have easy-to-follow recipes, and bonus; make excellent leftovers!


I know this one can seem obvious and especially with younger kids you already might do this BUT let me tell you.. when those kids get older and don’t need you as much, you just might find yourself sitting for long periods. Don’t get in that habit as I did. Yes, rest when needed, but if you find yourself sitting too long, take some breaks. Here’s an idea if you work from home: set a timer for every hour and stand up or walk around your house a couple of times then go back to work. Go outside. Walk your neighborhood. Stretch. Do whatever you need but don’t sit all day.


You bet I enjoy the benefits of eating a plant-based diet but I still want a nice warm cookie or brownie from time to time. Those types of desserts bring me a lot of joy. I enjoy making these treats with my daughters (when they want to) and in fact, it is part of a family tradition of ours. Every Sunday night we have a dessert and game night. I truly believe having a healthy relationship with ALL types of foods has led to a healthy lifestyle without any food guilt.

Food pictures; Buddha bowl with roasted veggies, sweet potato tacos, and brownies with nuts on top

How could you add in these 5 things to your day to help you live a healthier lifestyle? Start with one, master it and then add on one more and go from there.

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5 Things I Do Every Day To Live A Healthy Lifestyle As A Mom image card for Pinterest