The number 1 question I get asked is where (or how) do I start?

This, of course, is in regard to starting to eat better. It is a hard one because my goodness, the diet industry is confusing and overwhelming;
-Don’t eat carbs
-Stay away from all sugar
-Don’t eat fruit
-Wait, now skip breakfast
-Hold up, I think you can eat that but not after 6 pm
-Oh, maybe fats are the worst thing you can eat
-Well, this (insert new fad diet here) worked for my friend, surely it will work for me!

No wonder we don’t know where to start.

This is always my response:

Throw out all those ideas that you have been told about what works for someone else because here is the thing. They worked for someone but that doesn’t mean they work for everyone.

I don’t show anyone how to start eating better by adding more confusion. There is enough out there on the internet, I prefer to keep things simple.

I learned how to have a healthy relationship with food and how it can fuel my body. I make mindful choices that are in tune with MY body (keyword: my).

How can YOU start right now? Get back to the basics and put the blinders on to everything around you. Here is what I would start with:

The little changes over time are what make a difference:

  1. Eat more REAL food. These recipes are great to start with:

2. Buy less food in packages.

3. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep.

  • I have written about sleep before and all the benefits from immune support to making it a vital part of our wellness. It is so important!

4. Step outside, walk around, and get some Vitamin D for about 20 minutes each day.

  • If you are outside for an extended time, please don’t forget your sunscreen.

5. Move your body in some way every day.

  • You can read more about that here. BUT finding a movement you love doing is great for many reasons.

6. Drink more water.

  • Yes, water again. I know, I know. Water is everything

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Get started there, download the free LIving Prepped Guidebook above so we can stay connected, and start feeling less overwhelmed when it comes to getting on a healthier track.

always rooting for you, living on roots

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Where do I start?  6 steps to creating healthier habits