We are currently smack dab in the middle of December’s busy hustle, stressful events, and holiday food temptations.  No matter how it is going or how you feel about it, now is the time to think, look and move forward.  A fresh start can happen at any time you choose, but waiting for the new year might not be the best strategy.

Nature and history show us that winter slows everything down. With shorter and colder days we are typically inside our homes more, programmed to rest and conserve energy this time of year. So not only should we know how best to stay nourished during this less active time, but we should also take advantage of this time to practice something that will do great things for our long-term health.

When it comes to the health and well-being of your body’s cells, organs, and mind, committing to something that is sustainable for the long-term is really where the magic is since short-term quick fixes only mean you are going to need another “fresh” start.  I suggest sharpening the most important tool in your long-term health toolbox….meal planning.

Why Do I Talk About Meal Planning SO Much?!

I have written several blog posts about meal planning because it is one of the main things that has helped me eat healthier AND stay on track for the way I want to live my life.  It is helping my family consistently eat home-cooked meals around the table instead of going to the drive-thru’s multiple times a week.  It has helped us not waste food and utilize leftovers so well.  I could go on and on!  It is key!

If you are new to meal planning, I would encourage you to start here:

Do You Have a Long List of Excuses Keeping You From Implementing a Meal Plan?

If you answered yes, you are not alone. While some reasons may be VERY valid, I am willing to bet that some of those excuses floating around in your head can be thrown away. Anything new will have its challenges but if you want to add this meal planning into your long-term health toolbox, you are going to have to put in a little bit of work, develop some patience, and ignore your negative thoughts on this subject.

Here Are a Handful of Meal Planning Excuses I Hear From Time to Time Along With Reasons Why You Should Ignore Them

  • No time.  The number one excuse right here so you are not alone.  BUT did you know that creating a plan can save you SO much time?! Sure, it takes some time setting it up but after some practice it can go quickly.  The time you save with a meal plan will be so worth it!!
  • Too costly.  Many people think that having a meal plan will involve constantly buying new food items.  Not if you follow my plan laid out in Living Prepped – a free guidebook to help get you started. 
  • No need. What?! No way José, we all have a need even if you live alone… which brings me to the next point.
  • For large families only. Nope, nada, no way!  We all eat and even if you are cooking for yourself can you imagine how nice it would feel if the meal you were eating that night was already planned?  Talk about one less stress to think about.
  • Stressful. I can understand this one.  Where do you start if this is brand new to you?  I invite you to download my free guidebook – Living Prepped.
  • Not starting in December.  NOW is absolutely the perfect time to start.  It is one of the busiest months of the year and meal planning means less trips to the grocery store.  I know you have better things to do than live at the grocery store.
  • You hate cooking.  Meal planning does not have to equal huge and elaborate meals.  You can plan your favorites and the most simple things.  It is YOUR plan and it can look like whatever you want it to.  It is just having a plan.
  • Think you’re not good at planning.  Just like anything else in life, when you are starting something new it may take some time to learn this new habit.

Do Any of These Excuses Ring True to You?

Please reach out to me at anytime, I am happy to get you started on your meal planning adventure.

always rooting for you, living on roots