So here is the deal. We are still in the middle of a pandemic full of things that are STILL being canceled (I know… you don’t need more reminders) BUT you know what is NOT canceled? Taking care of yourself. If anything, it is now more important than ever. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep are the biggest gifts you can give your body right now.

We don’t have control over everything in life right at the moment but we do have control over how we treat ourselves and proceed as if our goals still matter to us. BECAUSE let me tell you, they absolutely do!

Is it time for a mid-year check in?

The middle of August is a great time to reflect on our work goals, health goals, and so much more. While some of us are in the COVID quarantine groove, some might also be thinking about how can they can get back on track.  Here is the thing: you don’t need big goals to get back on track.

I see many people work on huge goals but then after a month of going hard, these goals seem impossible to reach, which inevitably leads to failure.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a believer in big goals.  I have them too. BUT I have come to realize that I need to accomplish many small goals to get to my big ones.  Here is my tip to you: Make sure to write down those big goals, but set the small ones in place that will help you reach those big goals. 

As a business owner I know I have many goals I am already working on – some business-related but health and wellness related too.  Even as a nutrition and health coach, I am always working on myself and I hope this post can inspire you to think about yourself a bit right now.

Why should we focus on ourselves right now?

While we are busy with our everyday lives and hectic schedules, our body is the one taking the most abuse.  We neglect it with not drinking enough water, eating too much-processed foods, and not moving enough.  It is impossible to give it our all when the body is failing to keep up with everything around us.  After all, how can you help others if you aren’t looking after yourself first?

Two of the most common goals people set for themselves is to live healthier and grow in their career.  Funny thing is, these two relate to each other very well.  So, if this is indeed a goal of yours for the last part of 2020, then here are some small steps to help you improve both. 

6 steps to help you finish the year strong!

Vegan Appetizer platter

I always recommend we eat the rainbow throughout the day. Here is a sample menu:

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi. 
Lunch:  A small handful of your favorite greens, topped with purple cabbage, roasted sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, yellow bell pepper, and avocado. A Buddha Bowl is a great recipe to use to accomplish this.
Dinner:  Black beans, brown rice, salsa, more greens of your choice, red onions, and cilantro.

Of course, those are just simple examples that are easy to put together and can be easy to get in the habit of, but as you put your meals together, think about the color.  By focusing on color, you will get more of the nutrients you need throughout the day.  Always remember that more color = more antioxidants.

In addition to eating more REAL colors throughout the day, you will feel better and probably start to sleep better too.  This step alone will be a great boost to your productivity throughout the day.


I am talking about parking farther away from the grocery store entrance. Farther away at the mall. Walk the long way to get to your office.   If you are working from home, take 1 minute every hour, and walk around your house or in the backyard.  If you work, take a 5-minute break to get up and walk around your office or home.  

Movement of any kind can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve mood, boost self-esteem, minimize stress, and enhance cognitive functioning to help with problem solving and comprehension.


I cannot stress this one enough.  Use this menu planner to keep track of what you will be eating.  I know on my busy days when I get home late, the last thing I want to do is try to get creative and find something for the family to eat.  By having a plan and possibly some of the food ready to go, I am guaranteed to eat a healthier meal.  THIS is important and a must step.  Make your plan.

Looking for a 7-day meal plan? Check out this awesome freebie to have ALL your meals planned for you for an entire week!


This includes the snacks at your local coffee shop, the gas station, or the vending machines.  Instead, grabbing healthy snacks from home and keeping them in your bag can save you money and your waistline.  

My favorite snacks to have on hand would include items like fruit, nuts and/or seeds, whole grain crackers, or raw veggies and hummus.  The best part: these options help keep you full longer and will fight that afternoon slump and get you through your meetings.


Slow cookers are the best inventions for any of us.  With this type of appliance, you can cook almost anything from soups, stews, or meats while you get your work done during the day.  Throw all the ingredients in, turn it on, and come home to dinner cooked or at least mostly cooked.  Who doesn’t love coming home or finishing your work at home and having dinner already done?!


When I found out I could order groceries online and even have a designated drop off time I was ecstatic.  Even though I work from home and can go to the grocery store during the day, it doesn’t mean I always enjoy it.  I do however enjoy having fresh fruits and veggies along with a stocked fridge and pantry to help me plan out my week (see tip #2 again!).  This keeps me from going out to dinner all the time.  Ordering groceries online is one of the smartest things you can do and is a HUGE time saver.  

Whatever your goals are, believe that you can do it.  Start with goals that are obtainable and will help you reach your big goals. 

always rooting for you, living on roots
6 steps to help you finish the year strong is a blog post written to help re-evaluate the mid year goals for work and health.