I didn’t know that such a simple mixture like this recipe below could result in something so tasty.  This recipe was inspired by the ‘How Not to Die’ cookbook.  It is a really great cookbook and I highly suggest you grab a copy!

The reason I changed the recipe though is that sometimes I do not have a seasoning mix prepared at home to make it as the cookbook calls for.  That led me to start to play around with my own flavors.  I kept it very simple and easy.

I have seen other vegan parmesan recipes use different nuts but I liked the idea of brazil nuts.  These are a bit pricey but the nutritional value of these nuts is incredible.

Brazil nuts are loaded with
– healthy polyunsaturated fats
– an extremely good dose of selenium (just one nut provides more than the daily recommended value of selenium). Selenium has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, and also plays a role in reducing allergies and inflammation.

That alone is a no brainer for me. I can purchase these nuts once a month knowing how good they are that good for me.

Back to the recipe.

I sprinkle this nutty parmesan on top of avocado toast, chili, Buddha bowlsspaghetti, salads, roasted veggies, my favorite detox bowl, and so much more.  Really, the options are endless.

This stores well in an airtight container in the refrigerator for however long it will last you.

When using, I would sprinkle about one tablespoon on top of your dishes.

Vegan Parmesan, Nutty vegan Parmesan, plant based recipe, topping, nutritional yeast, brazil nuts, almonds, turmeric, seasoning.